Slip rings required for converting professional drones into disaster relief lighting drones


Recently, a major earthquake occurred inTurkey, causing extensive casualties. Professional rescue teams from multiplecountries came to participate in the relief work. At the rescue site, therescue teams brought a large amount of professional equipment, including manyprofessional-grade unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These UAVs are usuallyequipped with integrated professional optical search and rescue modules on agimbal, which have corresponding slip rings inside. These slip rings not only providepower to the gimbal motor, but also integrate video signal channels such as SDIand infrared light.


JINPAT is a veteran manufacturer in theinternational field of UAV slip rings, and has developed hundreds of special sliprings for electro-optical turrets for UAVs and various multi-rotor civilian UAV gimbals. The UAV that appeared at the disaster relief site in Turkey is atethered multi-rotor UAV with a lighting module that can illuminate an area of8000 square meters. Usually, many tethered UAVs integrate the slip ring insidethe tethering module, and adjust the UAV's attitude through the control systeminside the tethering module, which can effectively reduce the weight of the UAVand reduce energy consumption.

Professional-grade multi-rotor UAVs can bemodified into disaster relief lighting UAVs without the need to add a controlsystem inside the tethering system, as their bodies are already equipped withsufficient communication and sensor modules. When modifying, only need toreplace the electro-optical sensor and gimbal with the lighting module as awhole, which is very convenient for the operator to use directly. If the slipring is integrated into the lighting module, the modified UAV will have highermaneuverability and flexibility, and can meet the needs of disaster relief workusing the UAV's automatic operation mode. If the slip ring is not installed, incase of strong winds and other conditions, the operator may need to adjust theUAV's attitude to alleviate issues such as tight and entangled tethering lines.

In conclusion, whether it is necessary tomodify professional UAVs into lighting UAVs still needs to be considered.However, after adding the slip ring, unmanned operation can be achieved toavoid wasting manpower resources. If necessary, it is recommended to considerusing the JINPAT LPC-0315, which has a minimum transmission power of 360 wattsunder 24VAC voltage. If the tethering station is powered by 48VAC, thetransmission power can be doubled. It should be noted that in specificenvironments such as earthquake disaster areas, the slip ring needs to beupgraded to a higher protection level to ensure its normal operation.