Electro - Optical Pod

JINPAT Latest Slip Ring Model for Photoelectric Pod

Electro - Optical Pod2023-04-06

JINPAT Electronics is a well-establishedslip ring manufacturer, with over 30-year experience in providing rotarytransmission solutions to the customers. JINPAT Electronics is also a slip ringcompany with the most patented inventions in China. Our Research andDevelopment team has never stopped in developing new technology to improve theperformance of our slip rings. Lately, JINPAT has made a breakthrough in thesuper miniature slip ring series. JINPAT proudly presents to you LPMS-80S. Thisslip ring model is developed for photoelectric pod.

LPMS-80S is one of JINPAT high precisionslip rings which have a sophisticated and exquisite design. This high precisionslip ring is high-end, with a compact size while integrating large numbers ofchannels. LPMS-80S slip ring also features high precision and low electricalnoise.


And what else is so special with JINPATlatest slip ring, codedLPMS-80S, for photoelectric pod?

LPMS-80S is a super miniature slip ring.This latest slip ring model integrates up to 80 channels, with a rather compactsize, 17.4mm in outer diameter and 50.8mm in length. JINPAT adopt specialtechnique to process the isolation layer. With the 0.05mm isolation layer, itsdielectric strength is above 500VAC and its insulation resistance is above 100MΩ.

Talking of the housing, LPMS-80S adopts stainless metal that has great performance against corrosion. Inprocess, the housing of LPMS-80S goes through high/low temperature test andmodification and therefore achieves great stability in its size.   Wires exit locates on the flank of the rotorwhich facilitates the installation. Torque is no more than 0.00006N*M.LPMS-80Stransmits various signals at the same time and free of interference. LPMS-80Shas gone through numerous tests, with its compact size and extraordinary   performances is also very stable and reliable. It outperforms many othersimilar slip rings. LPMS-80S is the best choice for application like photoelectric pod where space is limited while the power and signaltransmission is quite demanding.

Feel free to contact us for furtherinformation of LPMS-80S and other slip rings produced by JINPAT.
